…. customers can order a pizza delivery from you any time after seeing your advert only once.
The phone number 0800 474 9927 can be dialled as 0800 4 PIZZAS by looking at the letters on the keypad as shown below:
The phoneword 0800 4 PIZZAS is much easier to remember than the phone number 0800 474 9927. So customers can call on impulse without needing the phone number.
There is no need to change your existing phone number as calls to 0800 4 PIZZAS are automatically diverted to it.
The idea is widely used in America and Australia where it has increased sales by up to 30%.
Phonewords are catching on in the UK and this trend is expected to accelerate because mobile calls to 0800 numbers became free on 1 July 2015.
0800 4 PIZZAS has the following advantages:
- gain an unfair competitive advantage as 0800 4 PIZZAS is only available to one pizza delivery store in each town – so securing 0800 4 PIZZAS for your town also prevents your competitors from using it – 0800 4 PIZZAS is available on a first come first served basis
- bypass mobile search engines as 0800 4 PIZZAS is faster to use (eg 0800 4 PIZZAS = 11 taps, PIZZA DELIVERY HOMETOWN = 23 taps)
- capture & convert callers who are new to the concept by displaying the phone number below:
0800 4 PIZZAS
0800 4 749927